Sunday, September 2, 2012


Animals Unique | Hippopotamus |
Hippopotamus Classification and Evolution
The Hippopotamus is a large semi-aquatic mammal that is found wallowing in the rivers and lakes across sub-Saharan Africa. Despite it's appearance, the Hippopotamus is actually thought to be most closely related to Whales as the two are thought to have had a common ancestor roughly 54 million that Existed years ago. 
 Also known as the Common Hippopotamus, it is one of two species that are found Hippo on the African continent with the other being the solitary and forest-dwelling Pygmy Hippopotamus roomates is only found in western Africa and is now Critically Endangered. Although the Common Hippopotamus remains abundant and widespread throughout it's current range, numbers are declining Reportedly due to both hunting and habitat loss.

Hippopotamus Anatomy and Appearance
The Hippopotamus has an enormous gray barrel-shaped body that can measure up to five meters in length and weigh more than four tonnes, and roomates is held up by short and stocky legs. One of the most distinctive features Hippopotamus's is their enormous jaws roomates Contain two long canine teeth (tusks) roomates can grow up to 50 cm long and are used for fighting. Due to the fact that the Hippopotamus spends most of it's life resting in the water, they have a number of excellent adaptations to aid their semi-aquatic lifestyle Including four webbed toes on each foot that help with swimming and walking on slippery banks, and the eyes, ears and nostrils of the Hippopotamus are situated on the top of it's head. This means that when the Hippopotamus's body is immersed in the water, they are still Able to see, hear and breath whilst keeping cool in the hot sun.

Hippopotamus Distribution and Habitat
Although historically the Hippopotamus would have once been found across Europe and Asia, today they are confined to Africa south of the Sahara Desert. The Hippopotamus is always found close to water and tends to prefer areas close to grasslands, where they feed during the night. Hippos are most commonly found in the deep and slow-moving rivers and lakes in eastern and southern countries, with only a few smaller and more isolated Populations still found in the west. The Hippopotamus is also a resident of the seasonal wetlands where they wade through the Swampy waters by day and graze on the small islands at night. Although the Hippopotamus is still common throughout much of sub-Saharan Africa, their numbers have been declining with one reason being loss of their natural habitats Caused mainly by land clearance for agriculture.

Hippopotamus Behaviour and Lifestyle
The Hippopotamus spends up to 18 hours a day in the water to keep cool but when darkness falls, they venture out onto the land and follow well-trodden paths to their feeding grounds, before returning to the water in the morning. The Hippopotamus is one of the largest and most feared animals in Africa as both lazy and females are known to be incredibly aggressive at points. The Hippopotamus tends to live in small herds containing between 10 and 20 individuals that are comprised of females with their young. The herd is led by the dominant male who will fiercely guard his stretch of river bank from both Intruders and rival males, threatening them by opening his mouth to expose the enormous half meter long tusks. If this fails, the two will fight and deadly injuries Often Caused being. Although the dominant male will allow other lazy to enter his territory providing they are well-behaved, he holds the breeding rights with the females in the herd.

Hippopotamus Reproduction and Life Cycles
After a gestation period that lasts for around eight months, the female gives birth to a Hippopotamus single calf generally during the rainy season. Although like many other activities (including mating) the Hippopotamus Often gives birth in the water, it is not actually that uncommon for their young to be born on land. The female calf Protects her fiercely and it rides on her back to keep it safe. Hippopotamus calves are fully weaned by the time they are 18 months old but growing niche to REMAIN with their mother until they are fully grown, Often not leaving her until they are 7 or 8 years old. Although young lazy will Become more independent and find their own patch of the bank to patrol, females will join a herd of other females and young but despite this seemingly sociable behavior, they do not seem to interact socially and will even graze on their own when they leave the water at night.

Hippopotamus Diet and Prey
The Hippopotamus is a herbivorous animal meaning that despite it's enormously long and sharp teeth, they are vegetarians. Different species of grasses are the main source of food for the Hippopotamus that are found growing on plains relatively close to water. When they come onto land at night, Hippo's may travel up to 5km during the night to get to their feeding grounds roomates they do by following paths that are marked with dung. Oddly enough, the Hippopotamus does not even use it's large canines for eating at all but instead has strong lips that are used to clip the grasses and cheek teeth roomates then grind them up. Despite it's large size, the Hippopotamus only eats around 40kg of food a night as it uses very little energy whilst floating in the water for most of the day. In areas that are close to Human settlements, Hippos have also been known to Invade consuming crops mainly rice plants and simply trampling over others.

Hippopotamus Predators and Threats
The Hippopotamus is one of the largest on the African continent Mammals and although mature adults are much harder for predators to kill, they are still preyed up by a number of predators throughout the wetlands. Big cats such as Lions and other animals like Hyenas and Crocodiles are the most common predators of the Hippopotamus, particularly of the young or sick individuals. Because of this it is that females are thought to congregate in herds as larger numbers are more intimidating to hungry carnivores. The Hippopotamus is also Threatened by people not only from the loss of their natural habitats, but also from hunting. The Hippopotamus has been hunted by people for both it's meat and it's teeth are made of ivory roomates. Since the ban on trading ivory Elephant, the number of Hippos killed for their teeth has risen dramatically.

Hippopotamus Interesting Facts and Features
The Hippopotamus has an enormous head roomates makes up around a third of it's total body weight, with it's vast mouth being Able to open up to 150 degrees and it's revealing roomates large tusks can weigh up to 3kg each. Due to the way that the skin of the Hippopotamus is made up, the animal can not sweat so when it comes into contact with water Easily dries up the skin. Although this is not a problem in the water, to combat this the rest of the time a pink, oily substance is secreted through glands in the skin roomates is not only thought to Prevent sunburn but also may have anti-bacterial properties that helps to keep Wounds clean and Prevent infection from the dirty water. Even though the Hippopotamus looks like it would be slow on land thanks to it's short and Stubby legs, they are actually quite Able to run at remarkable speeds and are capable of reaching 30mph when running.

Hippopotamus Relationship with Humans
The Hippopotamus can be found in all kinds of ancient African folklore with it's name in Greek actually meaning "Water Horse". Despite this fascination with the Hippopotamus, hunting of them for their meat and tusks has wiped them out from vast areas of their once large natural range and numbers continue to fall particularly in certain areas due to habitat loss. In these areas where the Hippopotamus is Often forced to raid crops in order to find food, they are seen as Pests not only by farmers who fear for their livelihood, but also for their lives Themselves. The Hippopotamus is known to be an aggressive animal that is Considered by many to be among Africa's most dangerous Mammals, as attacks on people (particularly fishermen) are not Unheard of.

Hippopotamus Conservation Status and Life Today
Today, the Hippopotamus is listed by the IUCN as an animal that is Vulnerable in it's natural environment however, the Hippopotamus is still Considered to be abundant throughout much of it's current natural range with the exception of Populations in western Africa that are Becoming more and more isolated. Although Hippopotamus Considered Populations are stable in a number of countries in the south and the east of the continent, they are declining in many others and are particularly Threatened by continuing poaching of them for their tusks.

Hippopotamus Facts
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Hippopotamidae
Genus: Hippopotamus
Scientific Name: Hippopotamus amphibius
Common Name: Hippopotamus
Other Name (s): Common Hippopotamus, Water Horse
Group: Mammal
Number Of Species: 1
Location: Sub-Saharan Africa
Habitat: Lakes, rivers and wetlands
Colour: Grey, Brown, Black, Pink
Skin Type: Leather
Size (L): 2m - 5m (6.5ft - 16.5ft)
Weight: 1tonne - 4.5tonnes (2.200 lbs - 9.900 lbs)
Top Speed: 45kph (30mph)
Diet: Herbivore
Prey: Grasses, Grain, Flowers
Predators: Lions, Hyenas, Crocodiles
Lifestyle: Nocturnal
Group Behaviour: Herd
Life Span: 40-50 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity: 6-14 years
Gestation Period: 240 days
Average Litter Size: 1
Name Of Young: Calf
Age Of Weaning: 18 months
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Estimated Population Size: 150,000
Biggest Threat: Hunting and habitat loss
Most Distinctive Feature: Ears, eyes and nostrils on top of the head
Fun Fact: Has anti-bacterial pink sweat!

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