Friday, June 29, 2012

Dogue De Bordeaux

Animals Unique | Dogue De Bordeaux |
The Dogue has an even temperament, and is extremely loyal and devoted to his master and family. Dogue de Bordeaux is gifted for guarding, the which he assumes with vigilance and great courage but without aggressiveness.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Animals Unique | Dodo | The dodo was a medium-large sized flightless bird That was Discovered on the Island of Mauritius in the 1590s and was declared extinct less than a century later, in 1681. Despite the turkey-sized body of the dodo, it is thought to have been most closely related to smaller birds as doves and pigeons Such.

Doberman Pinscher

Animals Unique | Doberman Pinscher | Doberman Pinschers are, in general, gentle, loyal, loving, and intelligent dogs.The Doberman is a strong, noble breed That Protects the ones he loves!

Discus Unique

Animals Unique | Discus Unique | Discus Classification and Evolution
The Discus is a species of tropical cichlid, found in the Amazon basin of South America. There are three sub-species of recognised the Discus the which are the Green Discus, the Blue and the Brown Discus Discus. The Discus was first described by Dr.


Animals Unique | Dingo |
The dingo is a medium-sized canine natively found on the Australian continent and even into South-East Asia. The dingo is thought to have once been a domestic dog has returned to That living in the wild now for Thousands of years.


Animals Unique | Dhole | The Dhole (also known as the Asiatic Wild Dog, Indian Wild Dog and the Red Dog) is an endangered wild dog native to the jungles of Asia. Although the Dhole is very similar in appearance to the African Wild Dog and the Bush dog, the Dhole is the only member of it's genus.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Deutsche Bracke

Animals Unique | Deutsche Bracke | The Deutsche Bracke is a small hound, 40-53 cm (16-21 ins) at the withers, with long drop ears and a long narrow tail. It is distinguished by a long, somewhat narrow head, and a rectangular body, described as \ "elegant \".

Deutsche Bracke Facts
Name: Deutsche Bracke
Origin: Germany
Size: 53cm (21in)
Weight: 18kg (40lbs)
Life Span: 12 years
Group: Hound

Desert Tortoise

Animals Unique | Desert Tortoise |
The desert tortoise is a medium-sized species of tortoise That is found in the south-western desert regions of Northern America, and parts of northern Mexico. The desert tortoise is most commonly known for its high, patterned shell and the fact That Is Burrows lives in underground.

Deer Unique

Animals Unique | Deer Unique | The deer is found in the forests of Europe, Asia and North America, where most deer grow to an average of about 1 meter tall. Deer-like creatures are found in Africa, They are however not all antelope and deer.

Darwin's Frog

Animals Unique | Darwin's Frog | Darwin's frog is a small species of frog, native to the forest streams of Chile and Argentina. Darwin's frog is named after Charles Darwin WHO CAME across it on his famous "Voyage of the Beagle".

Galapagos Penguin

Animals Unique | Galapagos Penguin | The Galapagos penguin is the third smallest species of penguin in the world and is the most distinctive as it lives further north than any other penguin species. The Galapagos penguin is thought to be most closely to the African Penguin and the Humboldt penguins found along the coast of Peru and Chile.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Whale Shark

Animals Unique | Whale Shark | The whale shark is the largest species of fish with some adult whale sharks growing to nearly 50ft long! The whale shark is thought to have developed around 60 million years ago making the whale shark one of the oldest species on Earth today.

White Tiger

Animals Unique | White Tiger | White Tiger Classification and Evolution
The White Tiger (also known as the White Bengal Tiger) is a subspecies of Tiger, found throughout the Indian subcontinent. Although the range of the White Tiger is very large Historically, these animals are incredibly rare as Their colouration is dependent on a defective, recessive gene passed on from That Is Their parents.

Thorny Devil Unique

Animals Unique | Thorny Devil Unique | The Thorny Devil, also known as Thorny Dragon, Thorny Lizard, or the Moloch, is a small species of lizard native to Australia with there being no other like the Thorny devil lizard anywhere in the world.


Animals Unique | Tetra | The tetra is a small and colorful fish native to the freshwater rivers and streams of South America and Africa. The tetra is one of the most well known and popular freshwater tropical fish kept in tanks and aquariums all around the world.

Fin Whale

Animals Unique | Fin Whale |
The fin whale is a large marine mammal That is found throughout ocean waters worldwide. The fin whale is the second largest whale in the world behind the blue whale, and also the second largest animal on Earth (obviously after the blue whale again).

Fennec Fox

Animals Unique | Fennec Fox | The Fennec fox is a small species of canine found in the dry, sandy regions of the African Sahara Desert. The Fennec fox is most well known for it's large ears the which can be half as long as the body of the Fennec fox.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Tawny Owl

Animals Unique | Tawny Owl | The Tawny owl is a small to medium sized bird of prey found across Europe That Is and in parts of Asia but Tawny Owls are Mainly found in woodlands across Eurasia. The Tawny owl is the most widespread owl in Europe and is the most common bird of prey of found in the UK.

Termite Unique

Animals Unique | Termite Unique | Sociable Termites are insects, found in their Millions all over the world. Termites feed on dead plant matter, rotten wood and soil and Often create mounds out of dirt to support the termite colony.

Siamese Fighting Fish

Animals Unique | Siamese Fighting Fish | The Siamese fighting fish is a small and colorful Carnivorous species of fish found in the Mekong River runs through a number That of countries in south-east Asia.

Falcon Bird

Animals Unique | Falcon Bird | Falcons are medium sized birds of prey found all across the world although the Falcons growing niche to prefer the more temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Falcons are best known for Their ruthlessness and Their Abilities incredible flying.


Animals Unique| Panther | Panther Classification and Evolution
The Panther (also commonly known as the Black Panther) is a large member of the Big Cat family, native to Asia, Africa and the Americas. The Panther is not a distinct species but Itself is the general name used to refer to any black colored feline of the Big Cat family, most Notably Leopards and Jaguars.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Siamese Cat

Animals Unique | Siamese Cat | The Siamese cat is one of the oldest breeds of cat, thought to have originated from the Siamese temple cats in today's Thailand (then known as Siam). The Siamese cat has similar features to the Birman cat, another ancient oriental temple cat from Myanmar (Burma).

Tasmanian Devil

Animals Unique | Tasmanian Devil  | The Tasmanian devil is a Carnivorous marsupials and the Tasmanian devil is therefore distantly related to kangaroos and Wombats. Although the Tasmanian devil's closest relative is a kangaroo, the Tasmanian devil has the appearance of a wild dog The Tasmanian devil is only found on the Australian island state of Tasmania.


Animals Unique | Sheep | It is thought That the domestic sheep originated from central Europe and Asia. Today, there are at least 1 billion sheep on the planet, with commercial sheep farming most commonly found in New Zealand, Australia, parts of North America and the United Kingdom.


Animals Unique | Tapir | The tapir is a large mammal That Despite it's pig-like appearance, is believed to be most closely related to horses and rhinos. The tapir is found in moist, dense forests in the more temperate regions of the Southern Hemisphere.

Seal Unique

Animals Unique | Seal Unique | The common seal tends to be found in colder waters in many places around the world. Many species of seal Inhabit waters in the northern hemisphere and are Often found in coastal waters where there is an Abundance of food and fewer number of predators.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sea Urchin

Animals Unique | Sea Urchin | The sea urchin found in across the ocean floors worldwide, but rarely in the colder, polar regions. Sea urchins are commonly found along the rocky ocean floor in both shallow and deeper water and sea urchins are also commonly found inhabiting coral reefs.

Sea Squirt Unique

Animals Unique | Sea Squirt Unique |
The Sea Squirt is an Immobile filter feeder That live on the ocean floor. Despite Their plant-like appearance, sea squirts are actually more closely related to vertebrates than to invertebrates They are sponges and coral Such as.

Sea Slug Unique

Animals Unique | Sea Slug Unique | The sea slug is also commonly Referred to as a sea cucumber, Mainly Because of the of the sea slug's shape and the fact That it is normally found on coral or rocks usually being very still, making it look like a type of aquatic vegetable.

Rockhopper Penguin Unique

Animals Unique | Rockhopper Penguin Unique |
The rockhopper penguin is a group of penguins are closely related and That share the same love of jumping over rocks to get about, rather sliding around on Their bellies penguin in the normal fashion. There are three different species of rockhopper penguins are the which the western rockhopper penguin, the eastern rockhopper penguin and the northern rockhopper penguin.

Sea Otter

Animals Unique | Sea Otter | The sea otter is a small marine mammal native to the north and Eastern Coasts of the Pacific Ocean. Despite the fact That sea otters are the largest members of the weasel family, sea otters are the smallest Among Marine Mammals in the world.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Sand Lizard Unique

Animals Unique | Sand Lizard Unique |
The sand lizard is a small species of lizard is found across Europe That and into parts of Asia. The sand lizard is one of only three species of lizard natively found in the UK along with the slow-worm and the common lizard, and is protected in Britain (and much of Europe) as Populations are low in most areas.

Tang Unique

Animals Unique | Tang Unique | The tang is a small to medium sized fish That is found in the warmer coastal waters of the Tropics. Tangs are well know for Their bright colors and are closely related to the Surgeon fish and unicorn fish.

Robin Bird

Animals Unique | Robin Bird | The robin is a small bird, originally only found in Europe and Asia. The robin today can be found across the world in parts of Africa, North America and New Zealand but all of these species are believed robin to be subspecies of the European robin.

Sea Dragon Unique

Animals Unique | Sea Dragon Unique | The sea dragon is a small, delicate fish found in the tropical coastal waters of south and west Australia. Sea dragons look similar to and are in fact closely related to sea horses.

Scorpion Fish

Animals Unique | Scorpion Fish |  A scorpion fish is a group of predatory, marine fish are found amongst That coral reefs and in shallow waters in the more temperate Oceans. The scorpion fish is most closely related to the lionfish and is most commonly found in the Indian and South Pacific Oceans.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Walrus Unique

Animals Unique | Walrus Unique | The walrus is a large marine mammal That has flippers to help it swim. The walrus is found in the colder waters of the Northern Hemisphere, but the walrus is much more specifically adapted to the conditions of the Arctic Circle.

Wallaby Unique

Animals Unique | Wallaby Unique | The wallaby is a small to medium sized marsupial found on the Australian continent and its surrounding islands. Today there are a number of other wild wallaby Populations inhabiting areas around the world where the wallaby has been introduced by Humans.

Sabre-toothed Tiger Unique

Animals Unique | Sabre-toothed Tiger Unique | The saber-toothed tiger is one of the most well-known prehistoric animals along with giants Such as the Woolly mammoth. Sabre-toothed tigers roamed the mid-western U.S. and parts of both North and South America and were named for the enormous canines the which show skeletons, protruded quite far out of Their mouths.

Water Buffalo

Animals Unique | Water Buffalo | The water buffalo is thought to have originated in Asia but has since been introduced to Australia, Africa, Europe and North America. The wild Asian water buffalo is now Considered to be an endangered species.

Warthog Unique

Animals Unique | Warthog Unique | The Warthog is a large species of pig That is found in the desert and shrub-lands of Africa. There are Considered to be two species of the which are the common warthog warthog and the desert warthog.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Yellow-Eyed Penguin

Animals Unique | Yellow-Eyed Penguin | The yellow-eyed penguin is one of the few penguin species found north of the Antarctic Ocean, and as it's name Suggests, this species of penguin is easily idenitfied by it's yellow colored eyes and bright yellow band That runs from it's eyes round the back of the yellow-eyed penguin's head.

Yak Unique

Animals Unique | Yak Unique | The yak is a herd animal found in the mountainous regions of central Asia. The yak growing niche to gather in herds from 10 to 100 yaks yaks, most of the which are female. There are only a few male per herd yaks.

Zorse Unique

Animals Unique | Zorse Unique | Zorse Classification and Evolution
The Zorse is one of a number of equine hybrids are known as Zebroids That, the which is the name given to an equine hybrid Zebra That has Ancestry. The Zorse is the result of cross-breeding a male Generally Zebra (stallion) with a female horse (mare) to Produce an animal.

Zonkey Unique

Animals Unique | Zonkey Unique | Zonkey Classification and Evolution
The Zonkey is a hybrid animal That is created by cross-breeding two different species of animal That belong to the same genetic group. Technically though, an individual is classed as a Zonkey only if it is sired from a male and female Zebra Donkey, as one That has a male and female Zebra Donkey parents is known as a Zedonk.

Zebu Unique

Animals Unique | Zebu Unique | The Zebu is a species of cattle native to That Is the jungles of South Asia and the Zebu cattle is the only species That can easily adapt to life in the hot Tropics. The Zebu is also known as the humped cattle as the Zebu has a very distinctive hump on its upper back, located behind the head and neck of the Zebu.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Zebra Equid

Animals Unique | Zebra Equid | Zebra Classification and Evolution
The Zebra is a large species of equine That is natively found roaming the grassy plains of sub-Saharan Africa. They are the largest and most distinctive wild horses with bodies That are patterned with white and black stripes, the exact placement of the which is unique to each individual.

Quoll Unique

Animals Unique | Quoll Unique | The quoll is a medium-sized marsupial, natively found in parts of Australia, PapuaNew Guinea and Tasmania. The quoll is Often known as the native cat, due to thecat-like appearance of the quoll.

Quokka Unique

Animals Unique | Quokka Unique | Quokka Classification and EvolutionThe Quokka is a small marsupial That is natively found in parts of the south-west of Australia and on only two islands off the south-west coast. The Quokka is one of the smallest species in the world Wallaby, and most distinctively differs from other Wallabies with Their short and barely-furred tail and small Hind legs.