Friday, July 6, 2012

Dwarf Crocodile

Animals Unique | Dwarf Crocodile | Dwarf Crocodile Classification and Evolution
The Dwarf Crocodile is a small species of crocodile That is natively found in the Rainforests of West Africa. The Dwarf Crocodile is the smallest species of crocodile in the world and is also one of the most distinctive with a short, broad snout and tough scales That cover black Their entire body (most Crocodiles do not have scales on Their Such armoured Underside). 
 These characteristics have led to the Dwarf Crocodile being known by a number of different names Snouted Including the Broad-Crocodile, the Bony Crocodile and the Black Crocodile. There are two species of Dwarf Crocodile recognised the which are the West African Dwarf Crocodile Dwarf Crocodile and the Congo the which differ slightly in not just Their location, but also in their appearance and behavior. Although Dwarf Crocodiles are commonly found in parts of Their natural range, Their numbers in others have Declined Mainly due to habitat loss and hunting.

Dwarf Crocodile Anatomy and Appearance
The Dwarf Crocodile Grows to more rarely than 1.6 meters in length with the largest known individuals reaching a maximum length of 1.9 meters. The body of the Dwarf Crocodile is black with a Yellowish Underside and is protected by tough, armoured scales, bony plates That the which are not just protect it from injury but also Prevent the animal from getting burnt by the hot sun. The Dwarf Crocodile has a number of adaptations That aid it when in the water Including Their vertically flattened, muscular tail is used to propel That Their bodies when swimming and webbing Between Their Toes the which helps them to negotiate the slippery banks. Their eyes and nostrils are located on the top of Their heads to enable the Dwarf Crocodile to both see and breathe whilst the rest of it's body is submerged, allowing it to both watch for prey and predators almost completely hidden.

Dwarf Crocodile Distribution and Habitat
The Dwarf Crocodile is found throughout a number of different countries in West Africa Including Angola, Cameroon, Congo, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone, although the number Populations Vary Between drastically in the regions. Dwarf Crocodiles growing niche to be found in slow-moving rivers in areas of dense rainforest along with swamps, permanent pools of water and seasonal floodplains. Despite being specially adapted to life in the water, Dwarf Crocodiles also spend a lot of time on land where Burrows They dig in the river bank to rest during the day. They are however, severely Threatened by the loss of Their habitats throughout much of Their natural range primarily in the form of deforestation for logging, to clear land for agriculture and the make way for growing human settlements.

Dwarf Crocodile Behaviour and Lifestyle
The Dwarf Crocodile is a nocturnal and solitary animal Generally That Hunts for both small prey in the water and on the banks in the dark. They rest during the day in the which Burrows are dug into the ground of the river bank and are accessed through entrance and exit tunnels by the which can be Several meters long. If however, They are Unable to find a Suitable Burrowing site the Dwarf Crocodile will hide amongst submerged tree roots hang into the water That. The Dwarf Crocodile is a cold-blooded animal That meaning it has to sunbathe to warm up it's body to give it the energy to hunt, and enter the water in order to cool it down. When in the water, Dwarf Crocodiles Their bodies sink down below the surface only so That Their Eyes and nostrils are exposed so They are Able to hide from potential predators and Ambush unsuspecting prey.

Dwarf Crocodile Reproduction and Life Cycles
Dwarf Crocodiles growing niche to breed at the beginning of the wet season (May - June) when a male will mate with a number of Females That share his territory. The female then builds a nest by dragging Rotting vegetation together to create a mound where she lays up to 20 white, leathery eggs. As the vegetation decomposes it releases heat the which helps to keep the eggs warm whilst incubating. Female Dwarf Crocodiles will fiercely guard Their eggs from predators until three months later They hatch, when the young call to her and she digs the them out of the mound to help them escape (They are even known to gently roll eggs have not yet That hatched around in their mouths to crack the shell). The mother then gently picks up her young in her mouth and carries them down to the water ensuring Safely That They get there. Although Dwarf Crocodiles are usually independent of Their mother very Quickly, some are known to stay close to her for at least a few weeks for safety.

Dwarf Crocodile Diet and Prey
The Dwarf Crocodile is a Carnivorous That is only meaning animal eats other animals in order to survive. Fish, birds, crustaceans, frogs and toads make up the bulk of Their diet along with the occasional small mammal. Dwarf Crocodiles Their strong jaws snap shut to catch the which Their prey is secured by a powerful bite from Their cone shaped, razor-sharp teeth. Unlike a number of other animal species, Dwarf Crocodiles continuously regrow and replace old Their teeth are pushed out by the which the new ones That develop below. They are however, Unable to chew food and so must rely on tearing into pieces That Their prey can then be swallowed whole. In areas where seasonal flooding Occurs They are known to change depending on the diet Their Rains, eating more fish are readily available That with the Floods and feeding more on crustaceans during the dry season.

Dwarf Crocodile Predators and Threats
Despite being a powerful predator Itself, the small size of the Dwarf Crocodile That means it is an Easier targets much larger than it's relatives, with other Crocodiles, being the biggest threat to adults. The young and eggs however, are preyed upon by a number of different animals Including Birds, Mammals and other Reptiles Fierce Despite the guarding of Them by Their mother. The biggest threat to Dwarf Crocodiles though throughout much of Their natural range today is people, primarily in the form of habitat destruction for timber and to use the land for agriculture Including creating large Plantations of oil palms. Dwarf Crocodiles are also hunted by local people in Certain areas for food, with skins Their tough then being used in the making of Certain local products.

Dwarf Crocodile Interesting Facts and Features
Like other members of the crocodile family, the Dwarf Crocodile is an ancient species is thought to have That changed very little in the last 65 million years. Their semi-aquatic nature That means They have a number of distinctive features That help them to live and feed in the water Including a transparent third Eyelid That can be closed to Protect Their Eyes when under the water. They have flaps of skin That can be closed to cover the windpipe and Ensure That water does not enter Their Lungs (which means That water does not go into their windpipe when They open mouth to catch prey Their), along with similar flaps That Their nostrils and ears cover. People once thought That Dwarf Crocodiles were cannibals Because the mother carries the young in a pouch in her mouth throat, to get them to the water Safely.

Dwarf Crocodile Relationship with Humans
Unlike a number of Their larger relatives, the tough, armoured skin of the Dwarf Crocodile has Meant That They are not hunted so frequently as other crocodile species, but Often They are hunted for meat by local Their people in Certain areas. Dwarf Crocodiles are also affected by growing levels of Heavily human activity throughout much of Their natural range as They lose Their habitats to forest clearance for the timber industry and to the make way for agricultural Plantations like palm oil. Along with the growing size of local settlements, the clearance of rainforest to Produce grazing for livestock has also Meant the loss of large chunks of Their range once the vast natural and can cause conflict Between these farmers That Reptiles and Their fear for animals.

Dwarf Crocodile Conservation Status and Life Today
Today, the Dwarf Crocodile is listed by the IUCN as being an animal That Is Vulnerable in it's natural environment with an estimated 25.000 to 100.000 individuals thought to be left in the wild. However, population Often the data is hard to collect and although They are Heavily exploited in Certain areas, the Dwarf Crocodile still has quite a wide distribution throughout a number of countries in West Africa. The Dwarf Crocodile is still known to be locally abundant in some areas Including parts of Cameroon, however, there have been severe population declines in others primarily due to the drastic loss of the vast regions of Their natural habitats.

Dwarf Crocodile Facts
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Sauropsida
Order: crocodilians
Family: Crocodylidae
Genus: Osteolaemus
Scientific Name: Osteolaemus tetraspis
Common Name: Dwarf Crocodile
Other Name (s): African Dwarf Crocodile, Black Crocodile, Crocodile Bony, Broad-Snouted Crocodile, Crocodile Rough-Backed
Group: Reptile
Number Of Species: 2
Location: West Africa
Habitat: Rainforest rivers and swamps
Colour: Black, Grey, Yellow
Skin Type: Scales
Size (L): 1.7m - 1.9M (5.5ft - 6.25ft)
Weight: 18kg - 32kg (40lbs - 70lbs)
Top Speed: 17kph ​​(11mph)
Diet: Carnivore
Prey: Fish, crustaceans, Frogs
Predators: Crocodiles, Birds and Mammals Large
Lifestyle: Nocturnal
Group Behaviour: Solitary
Life Span: 40-75 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity: 4-5 years
Incubation Period: 3 months
Average Clutch Size: 10
Name Of Young: Hatchling
Age Of Independence: Up to a few weeks
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Estimated Population Size: 25.000 to 100.000
Biggest Threat: Habitat loss and hunting
Most Distinctive Feature: Short and broad snout
Fun Fact: Digs Burrows in river banks to rest!

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