Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Giant Panda Bear

Animals Unique | Giant Panda Bear |
Giant Panda Bear Classification and Evolution
The Giant Panda is a species of bear That is found in the mountains of central and western China. One of the most famous and easily identifiable animals in the world, the Giant Panda is also one of the rarest and is under threat in it's Immense natural environment, primarily from habitat loss. 
 The Giant Panda is unique Among bears do not hibernate as They, have very small babies at birth and survive on a diet almost entirely vegetarian That Is. Since the Giant Panda was first Discovered by a French naturalist in 1869, it has become a global symbol for conservation with the World Wildlife Fund is using it as Their logo. The Chinese people also see the Giant Panda as a symbol of peace and Numerous Efforts have been made to try and protect the remaining Populations in their native habitats.

Giant Panda Bear Anatomy and Appearance
The Giant Panda is a medium to large sized like other bear species That has a large head, short tail and a long muzzle with a large nose, the which Gives them an excellent sense of smell. The thick fur of the Giant Panda is creamy-white in color with large patches of black on the Limbs, shoulders, ears and nose, and distinctive black patches around Their small eyes. The Giant Panda eats almost only bamboo and so has a number of physical adaptations to help with its consumption Including an extension of the which Their wrist bone acts a bit like a thumb, allowing the Giant Panda to grip onto bamboo stems. They also have large jaws with strong jaw muscles That along with Their flat molars, allow the Giant Panda to crush bamboo stems and leaves in order to extract the Nutrients.

Giant Panda Bear Distribution and Habitat
Historically, the Giant Panda would have been found throughout the lowlands of the Yangtze River Basin but Increased human activity in these areas has pushed the Giant Pandas high up into the mountains. Remote Populations are still found in six different mountain ranges in central and western China, where broadleaf and coniferous They Inhabit forests with a thick under-storey bamboo at elevations Between 5.000 and 13.000 feet. These high-altitude forests are cool, cloudy and moist and are Generally subjected to a high level of rainfall. It is thought That the unique colouration of the Giant Panda may help them to blend into these misty forests when foraging for food They are. It is however, the loss of these habitats to deforestation That is the biggest threat to the Giant Panda today as They rely almost solely on bamboo to survive.

Giant Panda Bear Behaviour and Lifestyle
The Giant Panda is a solitary animal That occupies a territory marked with secretions from scent glands and scratch marks on trees. Male Giant Pandas roam home ranges more than double the size of a female's, with his overlapping territory Those of Several female Giant Pandas with the which he holds breeding rights. As bamboo is not particularly Idealist, the Giant Panda must eat lots of bamboo every day and can consume up to 30kg of bamboo leaves, shoots and stems the which is roughly 40% of it's body weight. Giant Pandas therefore dedicate Between 12 and 15 hours a day to the which bamboo Munching They do by sitting down, allowing Their front paws to grip onto the plants. Even though the Giant Panda Appears to spend it's whole day either eating or sleeping, They are also known to be good at climbing trees and can even swim well when needed.

Giant Panda Bear Reproduction and Life Cycles
Giant Pandas breed Between March and May when the female begins to indicate her want to mate by making a series of groans and bleats to attract a male. After a gestation period That Lasts for around five months, the female Giant Panda Gives birth to one or two cubs in the base of a hollow tree or cave. Panda Bear cubs are very underdeveloped at birth measuring as little as 15cm and weighing only 100g, They are made even more vulnerable by the fact That They are also blind and hairless and do not begin to crawl until They are nearly three months old. Even if a female Gives birth to twins she can only care for one That rides on her back until it is 6 months old and is then precariously Able to trot beside her. Panda Bear cubs are weaned when They are around a year old but do not leave Their mother until They are 18 months old. Some cubs may stay with mother for a few Their years until she Becomes pregnant again and They leave to Establish a territory of Their Own.

Giant Panda Bear Diet and Prey
Despite being classified as a Carnivorous animal (not to mention a species of bear), the Giant Panda eats bamboo almost exclusively in the forest surrounding it. Known to consume more than 30 different species of bamboo plant, Giant Pandas feed on different parts of the plant at different times of year in order to get the most out of it. Capable of eating up to 30kg of bamboo a day, the Giant Panda uses it's strong jaws to crush the Various plant parts into a more easily digestible paste. Spending more than half of Their day eating, Giant Pandas Their diet also supplement with other grasses and plants Including fruits, as well as rodents and birds on occasion. Even though They can eat nearly half of Their body weight in bamboo parts in just one day, the Giant Panda still needs to drink water and does so from mountain streams That are supplied by the melting ice and snow higher up the slopes.

Giant Panda Bear Predators and Threats
Due to the large size and unique habitat of the Giant Panda, adults have no natural predators within Their cool, bamboo-filled world. However Cubs are completely helpless until at least They are a year old and are preyed upon by larger predators Such as Leopards and Birds of Prey. Humans however are the biggest threat to the Giant Pandas in the Chinese mountains as remarkable They have hunted these animals for fur Their unique, almost to extinction in some areas. Although harsh punishments for poaching hunting have now slowed down, Giant Pandas are under extreme threat from habitat loss in the form of deforestation for timber and land clearance for agriculture. They have therefore been forced into small and isolated pockets of the vast natural Their range once, and have been subjected to severe declines in their population numbers.

Giant Panda Bear Interesting Facts and Features
The Giant Panda has always fascinated people and therefore goes by a number of different names with it's scientific name meaning "cat-foot black and white" and it's Chinese name translates literally to "Giant Bear Cat", as the Giant Panda has slits for pupils in their eyes much like a cat. They are also known as the Bamboo Bear by locals due to the enormous amount That They consume. Giant Panda cubs are so small at birth That They weigh about the same as an average mouse and at 100g are roughly 0001% of Their mother's weight. In the Qinling Mountains in China's Shaanxi Province, a small population of brown and white Giant Pandas can be found amongst the existing standard black and white ones. Giant Pandas Communicate Between one another using a series of calls, with 11 different Giant Panda noises having been Identified.

Giant Panda Bear Relationship with Humans
The Giant Panda has been admired by people for Hundreds of years but more for Their beautiful black and white pelts in the past. Since Their discovery by the western world and the realisation of Their rareness in the wild, Giant Pandas have Become one of the most well-known of the world's large animals with Increasing projects and Efforts being put in place to try and save them from extinction. They have however been drastically affected by Increasing human activity in their native habitats Ultimately the which has led to the vast population declines and the isolation of the remaining Populations. Despite seemingly cuddly Their appearance though, the Giant Panda is a species of bear and although attacks on Humans are rare, it is not unheard of for harm to be Caused to people (particularly WHO Those attempt to enter captive enclosures).

Giant Panda Bear Conservation Status and Life Today
Today, the Giant Panda is listed by the IUCN as being an animal That Is Endangered species in it's natural environment and faces extinction in the wild in the near future if more is not done to protect it. Although the Chinese government has created 33 Giant Panda reserves and more than 50% of it's natural habitat is now protected by law, less than 1.500 individuals are thought to REMAIN in the wild. Extensive research Continues to go into Preventing the Giant Panda from Becoming extinct but it simply can not survive without it's unique bamboo forests.

Giant Panda Bear Facts
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: mammals
Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Genus: Ailuropoda
Scientific Name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Common Name: Giant Panda, Giant Panda Bear
Other Name (s): Giant Bear Cat, Bear Bamboo
Group: Mammal
Number Of Species: 1
Location: Mountains of central China
Habitat: High-altitude, moist bamboo forest
Colour: Black, White, Brown
Skin Type: Fur
Size (H): 1.5m - 1.8m (4.9ft - 6ft)
Weight: 110kg - 250kg (242lbs - 551lbs)
Top Speed: 32kph (20mph)
Diet: omnivore
Prey: Bamboo, Fruits, rodents
Predators: Humans, Leopards, Birds of Prey
Lifestyle: Diurnal / Nocturnal
Group Behaviour: Solitary
Life Span: 20-35 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity: 4-8 years
Gestation Period: 5 months
Average Litter Size: 1
Name Of Young: Cub
Age Of Weaning: 12-15 months
Conservation Status: Endangered
Estimated Population Size: 1.000 to 1.500
Biggest Threat: Habitat loss
Most Distinctive Feature: Extension of wrist bone acts as a thumb
Fun Fact: Bamboo makes up 99 per cent of Their diet!

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