Thursday, May 31, 2012

American Robin Bird

 Turdus migratorius

Animals Unique | American Robin Bird |
Bird Spotting: Catching sight of this gray bird with a brick-red belly usuallysignifies the start of spring.

Nesting: Robins are great architects when it comes to Their nests. Using grassand Twigs, the diligent parents create a Sturdy cuplike nest lined with softer grassfor Their eggs. Nests can be found in trees or along a ledge or Windowsill. Therobin couple usually lay three to five blue-green eggs two to three times a season. Bird Bite: Robins can live to be 14 years old. However, Because of the high rateof chick mortality, the entire population turns over an average of every six years.

Canadian Geese

Canada Goose
 Branta canadensis

Animals Unique | Canadian Geese | Bird Spotting: When you think of geese, the Canadian variety probably comes tomind. These large water birds are endemic to North America and Their V-shapedmigratory formations can be seen in the skies each fall and spring. The long blackneck and head sits atop a Sturdy That body is mostly brown with light tan to creambreast feathers. A white chinstrap stands out against the black head and neck. Habitat: Canadian geese can be found in a variety of surroundings, from thetundra to Prairies and ESPECIALLY near lakes, bays, rivers and marshes.Recently, some have taken up residence Populations in urban areas.

Eagle Small

 Falco sparverius

Animals Unique | Eagle Small | Bird Spotting: This small, but colorful falcon is a bird of prey or raptors. Wings ofthe male are a blue gray. The back and tail are reddish brown and the chest is tanwith streaks of black. Rusty plumage with dark streaks identifies the female bird.Both sexes have two black stripes on the face. Habitat: The American kestrel feels at home in open areas, Such as meadows,grasslands and deserts. They can also be found in urban and suburban areas.

Brown-headed cowbirds

Brown-Headed Cowbird
 Molothrus Ater

Animals Unique | Brown-headed cowbirds | Bird Spotting: True to its name the head of the brown-headed cowbird is brown.The cow part of its name comes from the fact That this bird tends to associatewith cows or horses while foraging for food. The male body is shiny black, whileFemales have a gray-brown wings and Streaked head and chest. The bills of bothsexes are stout and black. Habitat: Brown-headed cowbirds can be found flying along agricultural lands, fields, woodland edges and suburban areas.

The bright yellow

AMERICAN Goldfinch
 Carduelis tristis

Animals Unique | The bright yellow | Bird Spotting: The bright yellow plumage of male birds give its name to the American goldfinch. A black forehead and black wings with white Accents standout against the yellow body. Unlike most birds, however, the male will Becomeduller and Grayer once breeding season is over. Females are never as colorful asthe male, but during the nonbreeding season, the hue of her feathers will be takendown a notch, Becoming more of a pale Yellowish brown. Habitat: Sometimes called the "wild canary" the American goldfinch takes upresidence in Weedy fields, orchards and gardens.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican
 Pelecanus occidentalis

Animals Unique | Brown Pelican | Bird Spotting: The brown pelican is the only dark pelican. This is a very large,stocky bird. The bill is long and flat with an extendible pouch. The brown pelicanhas webbed feet, and its legs are short, the which this bird Gives a slightlytop-heavy look. Habitat: Sandy beaches and coastal lagoons are the habitats of choice for thebrown pelican. This large bird is also seen at waterfronts Often sitting on pilings.

Crow Bird

American Crow
 Corvus brachyrhynchos

Animals Unique | Crow Bird | Bird Spotting: From tail to beak the American Crow Appears totally black. In theright light, however, a green or Bluish tinge Suddenly makes a showing. Malesand Females look similar.
Habitat: A good place for spotting the American crow is in woodlands, farmlandsand suburban areas. Nesting: Four to six dull green eggs, spotted dark brown, are placed in a mass ofTwigs and sticks. The nest is then lined with feathers and grass and placed in atree.

Blue Pelican

 Cyanocitta cristata

Animals Unique | Blue Pelican | Bird Spotting: Crest, back and tail feathers of the blue jays are a bright blue. Thechest is white and black stripes pattern the wings, tail and face. Habitat: The blue jay can be seen roaming the skies in deciduous forests, but isalso a common sight in city parks and back yards.
Nesting: Four to six brown-spotted greenish eggs are laid each season. Theirnests are constructed of sticks and lined with grass.

Bird Spotting


Animals Unique | Bird Spotting | Bird Spotting: The American Coot is a slate-gray, duck-like bird. Its bill is whitewith a dark reddish ring just before the tip. The frontal shield, an extension of thebill into the forehead, is also white with a reddish oval near the tip That is visible atclose range.

Habitat: American Coots prefer to live along open ponds and marshes as well ascoastal bays and inlets.

An Elephant Never Forgets

TOP 10 ANIMAL Myths: An Elephant Never Forgets


Animals Unique | An Elephant Never Forgets | Sometimes it's hard to separate fact from fiction, ESPECIALLY with the manyMyths That involve animals. Their behavior can be mysterious Certainly to say the least, so it's no wonder some of these creatures That have Become the focalpoint of Speculation. Take a peek at these 10 animal Myths and discover the which ones are actually true and the which are merely urban legend.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012




No. 10 - Tarantula
Animals Unique | Tarantula | Tarantula spiders are Among the most feared animals on the planet, and with goodreason. They are not only giants, as spiders go, but They are stealthy and skilledhunters Such That no small animal within Their grasp WANDERS That stands achance at survival. The typical modus operandi for tarantulas hunting is to bepatient. They lie in wait for a hapless passerby and then pounce without warning.

Blood-Sucking Tick Anyway

Animals Unique | Blood-Sucking Tick Anyway | It's 3 pm at the office, and even though you ate a hearty lunch a couple of hours ago, you're scrounging around in your desk drawer looking for something -anything - to eat. So much for that New Years resolution to start your diet thisweek.
Think That when your hunger Pangs hit, you've got it bad? Try telling That to manyof our animal friends in the wild do not always know WHO when they'll eat again. Infact, many of these animals go quite a long time Between rations. We're talkingdays, weeks and even up to a year for a few.

Insects: Bee

Animals Unique | Insects: Bee | Useful Insects: Where would we be without bees, aka "the world's most usefulinsects"? For Such tiny creatures, measuring only 1/8 "to 1 inch in length, bees do the heavy lifting of Providing honey, wax and pollinating most of the world's plants.Females carry Their honey load in a" basket "located on Their Hind legs .

Complex Communities: Honey and Bumble bees live in complex communitiesconsisting of a queen, all males and sterile Females. While the honey beeconstructs a home of individual wax cells to raise Their young, the grass andBumble bee uses wax to create a home.

Scaly Turtle

Turtle Scutes and Shedding

Animals Unique | Scaly Turtle | Unlike a snail, a turtle is not Able to trade in the shell for another one if it's Damaged or just does not fit anymore. The turtle's shell never falls off and is never too large or too small Because It Grows with the turtle. It's made from the turtle's rib cage and spine and is attached to the internal bones of the turtle's body. Just as your vertebrae grow with you, the same is true for a turtle's shell.

For most species, as the turtle and its shell grow, the scutes on the shell shed or peel away to the make way for new, larger scutes. Shedding is a natural process, and scutes are cast off intermittently during daily activities as swimming and basking Such. Since turtles are cold-blooded Reptiles, They rely on external heating and cooling Airways of Themselves. Basking is nothing more than lying in the sun, and it Happens to be a favorite pastime turtle.


Animals Unique | Turtle | Turtles are Reptiles, and there are about 250 different species of them living inthe Oceans, lakes, streams, forests and deserts on all the world's Continentsexcept Antarctica. They Might even be in your own yard.
But what's the first thing you're Likely to notice when you look at a turtle? Probablyits shell and, specifically, the shape of that shell: Is it domed or flat? The shape ofa turtle shell depends on the species and the turtle's habitat. Most land-dwellingturtles have high-domed shells, the which help protect them from the jaws ofpredators, while most aquatic turtles have a more streamlined, flat shell That letsthem glide through the water.

Monday, May 28, 2012

The Black Mamba

Animals Unique | The Black Mamba | Mamba, a poisonous snake of tropical and southern Africa. It is related to the cobra, but, unlike the cobra, can not expand its neck into a hood. There are Several species, the largest measuring about 14 feet (4.3 m) in length.

Snake Upturned Snouts: Hognose

Animals Unique | Snake Upturned Snouts: Hognose | Hognose Snake, a nonpoisonous snake of North America That Is harmless to Humans. It is also called the puff adder Because It flattens its head and neck, inflates its body with water, and hisses loudly when disturbed. It rarely, if ever, bites in defense.

Garter a Harmless Snake Found

Animals Unique | Garter a Harmless Snake Found | Garter Snake, a harmless snake found in the United States, southern Canada, and Mexico. Garter snakes are from two to four feet (60 to 120 cm) long. They are usually brownish or greenish, with three light stripes running the full length of Their slender bodies.

Coral Small Poisonous Snake

South American coral snakes are snakesSouth American poisonous coral with red, black, and yellow-white bands.

Animals Unique | Coral Small Poisonous Snake | Coral Snake, a small poisonous snake of the Western Hemisphere. There are about 50 species. A coral snake has a cylindrical, neckless body marked with broad bands of alternating black and red separated by narrow bands of yellow.

Copperhead a Poisonous Snake

The copperheadThe Copperhead is a pit viper related to the rattlesnake.
Why Do Copperheads Feel the Heat.
Animals Unique | Copperhead a Poisonous Snake | Copperhead, a poisonous snake related to the rattlesnake and the water moccasin. It is named for the coppery-red color of its head. The Copperhead is about three feet (90 cm) long. Below each eye is a heat-sensing pit, the which helps the snake locate prey.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cobra Puffing and Hissing

Animals Unique | Cobra Puffing and Hissing | Cobra, the common name for a group of poisonous snakes of Africa and southern Asia. The name comes from the Portuguese cobra de Capello, meaning "Hooded snake." When disturbed, the cobra assumes a position for attack by raising about a third of its body off the ground and inflates the neck into a hood.

Asps are Small Venomous Snakes

ASPs belong to the family Elapidae. They are Naja haje.

Venomous snakes are small AspsAsps native to North Africa.

Animals Unique | Asps are Small Venomous Snakes | Asp, a name applied to Several different species of poisonous snakes. The term is most commonly used to identify the Egyptian cobra and the Horned viper, both of the which are native to North Africa and adjacent Southwestern Asia. The viper of southern Europe is also called an asp. The asp that, According to legend, Cleopatra used to kill herself is believed to have been the Egyptian cobra.

Giant Snakes Live Near Rivers

Animals Unique | Giant Snakes Live Near Rivers | Anaconda, or Water Boa, a water snake of Central and tropical South America. Their prey, anacondas kill birds and small Reptiles and Mammals, by squeezing them until They suffocate, or by drowning them. The female anaconda retains her fertilized eggs in her body until They hatch.

The Common Adder Snakes

Animals Unique | The Common Adder | Snakes Adder, the name of Several snakes, Including many European vipers and harmless North American snakes. The common adder is another name for the common European viper.

Gharial a Large Reptile

Animals Unique | Gharial a Large Reptile | Gavial, or Gharial, a large reptile related to the crocodile. The Indian gavial is found near rivers in Pakistan, India, Nepal, and Bangladesh. The male Reaches a length of 18 feet (5.5 m); the female, a length of 13 feet (4 m). During the mating season, the male attracts a female by inflating a knob at the end of his snout.

Animals Unique | African Tree Toad Unique | African Tree Toad Classification and Evolution
The African Tree Toad is a small species of Toad found in the forests of Central Africa. Today, little is still known about this tiny amphibian population and the constantly decreasing numbers of the African Tree Toad are making it increasingly difficult, for us to learn more about them. There are two known subspecies of the African Tree Toad, the which are the African Tree Toad and the Bates' Tree Toad. African Tree Toad Both species are of similar size and color but growing niche to differ in the geographical regions They Inhabit.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Largest of Living Reptiles

The crocodileThe crocodile has a heavy tail, short legs, and webbed feet Hind.
Any Do Crocodiles Live in North America?

Animals Unique | The Largest of Living Reptiles | Crocodile, the largest of living Reptiles, found throughout the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Crocodiles live near swamps and marshes. They spend much of Their time basking in the sun.

Tuatara Sphenodon Punctatus

Animals Unique | Tuatara Sphenodon Punctatus | Tuatara, a reptile found on lizardlike Several small islands off New Zealand. One species inhabits about 30 islands. In 1990, it was determined That a second species exists on one island.

Four Legged Reptile

Animals Unique | Four Legged Reptile | Caiman, a four-legged reptile of the alligator family. Caimans closely resemble alligators in appearance, with long, thick, tapering tails and elongated snouts. Generally Caimans are somewhat smaller, averaging about four to six feet (1.2 to 1.8m) in length. Their bodies are covered with bony plates and are blackish or brownish with lighter Various markings. Females lay 20 to 30 eggs in a mound-shaped nest.

Alligator a Large Reptile

The American alligator American alligatorThe Grows up to nineteen feet long and weighs 600 pounds.
What Is Home to American Alligators?

Animals Unique | Alligator a Large Reptile | That inhabits swamps, rivers, lakes, and marshes. There are two species of alligators. The American alligator is found from North Carolina south to Florida and west to central Texas. The Chinese alligator is found in the lower valley of China's Yangtze River. The Chinese alligator is smaller than the American alligator, but otherwise the two species are similar. The caiman is a closely related animal.

Alligator skin makes a handsome, durable leather and is Widely used for handbags, Wallets, shoes, belts, and watch bands. In the United States the meat of the tail is eaten in stews and soups. Hunting the American alligator once Brought close to extinction. Since the 1960's, has been Strictly regulated hunting, allowing the American Alligator Populations to recover and Thrive. Most products come from commercial alligator alligators raised on alligator farms. The Chinese alligator is endangered due to loss of its habitat and pollution of its remaining range.

American alligators live in watery areas of the Southeastern United States. They live in lakes, ponds, and marshes. They live in rivers, Creeks, and swamps. They even live in canals.

Often alligators dig Burrows to live in. They use Their mouths and clawed feet to rip and dig the earth. They sweep away loose mud and dirt with Their tails. A Burrow Might Be a hole or a tunnel in a mud bank. It Might Be a 'gator hole dug into the bottom of a pond.

'Gator holes are an Important Part of a swamp. Mud and plants pushed aside by the alligator Become where new rich soil, healthy plants grow. During a drought, or dry period, a 'gator hole still holds water. It is home to both the alligator and its young. Fish, birds, and other animals live in and near the 'gator hole, too. They may stay until the Rains return.

Animals Unique: Alligator

Animals Unique | Animals Unique: Alligator | Lurking in southern swamps from the Carolinas to Louisiana, alligators' place in folklore is both well-established and well-deserved.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Spider Build Webs to Catch Food

SpidersSpiders are eight-legged, fanged arachnids That hunt or build webs tocatch food.
Animals Unique | Spider Build Webs to Catch Food | Spider, an animal closely related to mites, ticks, and scorpions. There are about35.000 known species, more than 3.000 of them in the United States. Spiders livealmost everywhere-in soil, under rocks, on grasses, on tree branches, in caves,and on water.

Salamander a Tailed Amphibian

Animals Unique | Salamander a Tailed Amphibian | Salamander, a tailed amphibian. Salamanders are cold-blooded animals (Their temperature changes with That of Their surroundings). They have soft skin is usually moist and That must have a humid environment if not wet. Most species are found on land; Strictly a few are aquatic.

Amphibians include caecilians, salamanders, and toads.

Animals Unique | Amphibians include caecilians, salamanders, and toads | Amphibian, one of a large class of cold-blooded vertebrates (animals withbackbones). The name comes from Greek words meaning a dual life, Becausemost amphibians spend the early part of Their life cycle in water and the later parton land. Amphibians include frogs, toads, and salamanders.

Dog: The Mud Puppy

Animals Unique | Mud Puppy | , a salamander That lives in lakes and rivers in the eastern UnitedStates. An adult mud puppy is 8 to 17 inches (20 to 43 cm) long. It is brownish oralmost black above, with a dark-spotted, pale Underside. The rectangular headand body are flattened. The tail fins are reddish Often. Each of the four feet has fourtoes. Dark-red gills like Plumes wave outside the gill openings on the neck.

Tropical Marine Fish: Triggerfish

Animals Unique | Tropical Marine Fish: Triggerfish | Triggerfish, the common name for a group of shallow-water, tropical marine fish.There are about 30 species, Including the common triggerfish and the queentriggerfish. Triggerfish range in size from about 6 to 24 inches (15 to 60 cm),depending on the species.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Animals Unique: Platypuses

Animals Unique | Island Platypuses Face Risky Future | Safety really is in the numbers for some of Australia's iconic animals with a new study showing small island Populations of platypus are in danger of being wiped out Because of a lack of genetic diversity.
The finding Could help improv management of other animal Populations with low genetic variation Such as the koala and helps explain the decimation of the Tasmanian devils from a contagious cancer.
NEWS: Last Ditch Effort to Save the Tasmanian Devil

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

animals such as monster

Animals Unique | Monsters | A strange animal found on a Douglas County, Minnesota, has people talking road monsters.

The Star Tribune Offered this description of the animal That Lacey Ilse found alongside a road in Alexandria: "Ghostly white and hairless, bloated its neck out of Proportion with the rest of its body limp." Ilse said it looked "half human," and told her friends about it.

Marine Monster stranded

Animals Unique | Marine Monster stranded | A bizarre creature washed ashore That last week in Folly Beach, SC, sparked Speculation in the area and on the Internet That Might a dead sea monster have been Discovered.

The tan-brown animal with greenish patches was strange enough, but what really baffled beachgoers was its massive size and the dinosaur-like bony plates on its sides. It's not clear just how long it was, but photos suggest it exceeded 10 feet.

Caribou Snow

Animals Unique | Caribou Snow | Known in Europe and Asia as reindeer, the caribou is the only species of deer in the which both sexes bear Antlers. Males lose them in the spring; Females lose them when They give birth in June.

Animals Unique: Caribou

Animals Unique | Caribou | Antlers All Around?: Known in Europe and Asia as reindeer, the caribou is the only species of deer in the which both sexes bear Antlers. Males lose them in the spring; Females lose them when They give birth in June.

Chimpanzee Forest Food

Animals Unique | Chimpanzee |Almost Human: Chimpanzees are our closest relative. (A difference of less than 1 percent exists Between the DNA of Humans and Chimps.) Like Humans, chimp young are born helpless and require a number of years of careful rearing before They are Able to go out on Their Own. Chimps are very social and form tight bonds within Their community.

Bobcat wildcat

Animals Unique | Bobcat | Camouflaged Cat: The fur of the bobcat, named for its short tail Stubby, is Tawny in color. Spots are almost always present to a lesser extent or Greater, and can be splattered all over the body or just on the Underside creating an excellent camouflage. Rufflike fur frames the face.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Armadillo Armored for Protection

Animals Unique | Armadillo Armored for Protection | A Family Affair: Armadillos belong to the same family as anteaters and sloths. Their relative like the Anteater, armadillos are insectivorous.

Bison Giant Spreader Disease

Animals Unique | Bison Giant | Nearly Destroyed: Once 50 million American bison, also known as American buffalo, roamed the Great Plains of North America. This symbol of the American frontier was nearly destroyed due to overhunting by the settlers of the 19th century. Conservation Efforts saved the bison from the Brink of extinction, but the fraction REMAIN That are either captive or come from captive stock.

Camel ships of the desert

Animals Unique | Camel ships of the desert | Ship of the Desert: These "ships of the desert" are incredibly well-adapted to Their environment. When conditions heat up, Camels can increase of Their Own body temperature, sweating and therefore the which prevents water loss. Camels can tolerate a 40 percent loss in body mass when food and water are scarce, an amazing feat when one considers a 15 percent loss That would kill most other Mammals. Their thick fur insulates them from the heat as well as the cold.

Bat Flapping Wings

Animals Unique | Bat  Flapping Wings | Mosquito Catchers: Hollywood may have given bats a bad name, but the zigzag path of a bat against the night sky can mean only one thing, Thousands of mosquitoes are about to meet Their maker, Thus Spake lessening the chance of outbreaks of malaria in other animals Including Humans.

Black Bear excellent tree climber

Animals Unique | Black Bear | Fit for the Forest: Although black is the most common color of this bear, fur color can range from light brown to dark brown and even grayish blue. Although adaptable, forests growing niche to be the black bear's favorite haunt. Its sharp claws are great tools for ripping open old logs in search of grubs and worms as well as for tree climbing.