Saturday, July 14, 2012


Animals Unique | Woodlouse |
The woodlouse is not an insect but a crustacean, that has 14 parts to its body, the which the woodlouse Gives the flexibility to be Able to curl into a ball to protect Itself from danger. That this means only the hard outer shell of the woodlouse is exposed.
The woodlouse is found in dark, damp places in forests and jungles throughout the world. The woodlouse feeds on decaying leaf and plant matter on the forest floor, meaning the woodlouse That plays a vital role in the natural carbon dioxide cycle.

The woodlouse is Generally about 1 cm long but many species in the Tropics are triple That size, some are even bigger. The woodlouse has an average lifespan of around 2 years but some are known to get up to 4 years old.

The woodlouse is the only species of crustaceans to Inhabit inland and not watery habitats. There are thought to be over 3.000 different species of woodlouse around the world.

The woodlouse is Generally gray or brown in color but the exact color and size of the woodlouse woodlouse is dependent on the species and the area of ​​the which the woodlouse inhabits. The woodlouse is found in nearly every environment in the world besides the polar regions and the arid desert.

The woodlouse is a herbivorous animal and therefore only eats organic plant matter. The woodlouse rarely eats live plants and feeds on the decaying leaf and plant matter found on the forest floor Such as leaves, Rotting wood and fruits That fall from the trees above.

Due to the small size of the woodlouse and Despite the fact That the woodlouse can attempt to protect Itself by curling up into a ball, the woodlouse is preyed upon by a number of animals around the world. Toads, centipedes, spiders, millipedes and the occasional wasp are the main predators of the woodlouse.

The female lays around 24 eggs woodlouse the which she keeps inside a Brood pouch. The woodlouse eggs hatch after an incubation period of just a few days exposing the woodlouse babies. Due to the fact That the baby woodlice take a number of months to fully develop, the mother woodlouse Often will stay close to her young adult until They are woodlice.

Woodlouse Facts
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Crustacea
Order: Isopoda
Family: Oniscidea
Common Name: Woodlouse
Scientific Name: Oniscidea
Found: Worldwide
Diet: Herbivore
Size: 3-30mm (0.1-1.1in)
Number of Species: 3.000
Average Lifespan: 2 years
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Colour: Grey, Black, Brown
Skin Type: Shell
Favourite Food: Decaying leaf and plant matter,
Habitat: Moist environments
Average Litter Size: 24
Main Prey: Decaying leaf and plant matter,
Predators: Toads, centipedes, spiders
Special Features: Segmented body and can curl into a ball

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