Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bombay Cat

Animals Unique | Bombay Cat | The Bombay cat is thought to have been Bred from the playful Burmese cat, and asmaller short-haired cat in the 1950s. The Bombay cat was initially Bred in orderto Produce a domestic cat That That looked a panther. There are two types of Bombay cat playing today, the American Bombay cat andthe British Bombay Cat, both species are Generally although some Americanblack Bombay cats are breed to have the which slightly resemble spots of aleopard Those.
The Bombay cat is a very distinctive breed of domestic cat as Generally Theyhave black fur and eyes either green or orange depending on the sub-species.Bombay cat also has a long, narrow body and small heads. The Bombay cat is thought to have a very similar personality to the Burmese cat,in the Bombay cat That is excitable and affectionate. This has Meant That today,the Bombay cat is a very popular breed of domestic cat. Like the Burmese, the Bombay cat is a highly intelligent animal and is extremelyenergetic. The cleverness and activeness of the Bombay cat, That it is GenerallyEnsure a Successful hunter.

Bombay Cat Facts
Name: Bombay
Origin: North America
Average Size: 60cm (2ft)
Average Weight: 4.5kg (10lbs)
Average Life Span: 13 years
Group: Shorthair
Colour: Brown, Black
Average Litter Size: 6
Temperament: Intelligent, energetic, calm and friendly

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