Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Javanese Cat

Animals Unique | Javanese Cat | The Javanese breed of cat is Generally used to refer to Balinese cats That do not have the typical markings or modern Balinese colourings (That cats are not sobrown, silver or blue).The Javanese cat has soft, shiny fur and Often can be found with features closelyresembling the Siamese cat. The Javanese cat is a popular household paintsaround the world and adores human attention. The Javanese cat has very social tendencies and therefore can Becomedistressed if They are on Their Own. The Javanese cat is also known to be a fairlynoise breed of domestic cat. The calm and devoted temperament of the Javanese cat makes it a very popularbreed of cat to be kept as a household pet, as the Javanese cat is veryaffectionate towards Often both Humans and other animals. Due to the fact That the Javanese cat is directly related to the Siamese cat and the Balinese cat, it has picked defects as well as assets from its Ancestors orthough today, cats have been so extensively That Bred native defects are OftenBred out of the breed.

Javanese Cat Facts
Name: Javanese
Origin: North America
Average Size: 60cm (2ft)
Average Weight: 4.5kg (10lbs)
Average Life Span: 14 years
Group: Longhair
Colour: Blue, Lilac, Fawn, Cream, Brown, Black, White
Average Litter Size: 7
Temperament: Loving, gentle and affectionate

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