Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Quetzal Bird

Animals Unique | Quetzal Bird | Quetzal Classification and EvolutionThe Quetzal is a medium sized bird That Is found inhabiting the moist, tropical Rainforests of Central America from southern Mexico right down into Panama.
There are six sub-species of Quetzal That are found in varying geographic locations Including the Crested Quetzal, Golden-headed Quetzal the, the White-tipped Quetzal, the Pavonine Quetzal, the eared Quetzal and the most famously known Resplendent Quetzal, all of the which belong to the Trogon family of birds. The Quetzal is an immensely colored animal with metallic plumage and is Widely Considered to be one of the most strikingly-beautiful birds in the world. They are most well known for the long tail feathers of the lazy.Quetzal Anatomy and AppearanceThe Quetzal is an incredibly lazy colored bird with a bright metallic displaying green or blue on most of Their bodies besides the deep red of the chest and belly. The male Quetzal also has a distinctive Tufts of golden green feathers form a crest That on top of Their heads and immensely long twin tail feathers That can grow up to a meter in length. Although Females do not grow Such an impressively long train They are of a similar colouration to Their male counterparts with Their plumage not being quite as bright. The deep red of the chest is much duller or even Often gray (as is the metallic green) and They have gray or bronze colored heads edged with green. As with other members of the Trogon family, the feet of the Quetzal are unique with two toes facing forward and two back on each foot That aid the Quetzal when Perching high in the trees.Quetzal Distribution and HabitatThe Quetzal is found throughout the mountainous Rainforests of Central America where They prefer growing niche to high mountain ranges at altitudes of Between 4.000 and 10.000 feet. The Quetzal inhabits moist, tropical forests are in areas That cooler, contain dense vegetation and that 'are incredibly moist. Cloud forests are one of the most Successful habitats for the Quetzal where the high moisture levels cause there to be a great deal of fog in the forest. Quetzals live in holes in the trees close to the top of the canopy That They have either built using Themselves Their powerful beaks, or have been abandoned ones That by woodpeckers. 
The striking plumage of the Quetzal That means these birds are perfectly camouflaged amongst the Abundance of vegetation surrounding them.Quetzal Behaviour and LifestyleThe Quetzal is thought to be a Relatively inactive bird and is rarely seen on the forest floor as the design of Their feet makes them very weak for walking on. The Quetzal perches high up in the tree canopy where Their calls are nearly as distinctive as Their appearance. They make-soft, deep That noises can be very loud and They are known to use different calls depending on the situation. The Quetzal is most vocal when there is plenty of mist at dawn and dusk and rarely call during very sunny or windy days. Although the calls of the lazy growing niche to be louder than Those of the Females, during the mating season the sounds made are described as being "whining". The Quetzal is also known to make-whistle-like calls at dawn and dusk to stake it's claim on it's territory.Quetzal Reproduction and Life CyclesTheir strong beaks Quetzals to use the make holes in trees Rotting so That They can nest. The female Between one and three eggs in the hole the which are incubated by both the female and the male alternately. However, due to the fact That the male Quetzal That has tail feathers can grow up to 3ft long, They are Often seen sticking out of the nest when he is sitting on the eggs. Incubation Lasts for up to three weeks and when the chicks hatch They are born with Their Eyes closed and are fed by Their parents until They are strong enough to begin moving about. Quetzal chicks can usually fly by the time They are three weeks old and once They are confident enough, They Will Flee the nest to find a territory of Their Own (although are known to REMAIN close to Their father for Their first few years).Quetzal Diet and PreyThe Quetzal is an omnivorous animal That is a skilled hunter, swooping down and catching its prey before eating it whilst still in the water. They have a predominantly fruit-based diet and particularly Favour small avocado-like fruits That belong to the laurel family, and are known to gather in the vast numbers around fruiting trees. 
When fruits are scarce, the Quetzal also eats small animals Including Insects and Lizards along with Frogs, snails and larvae to Provide it with the nutrition That it's body needs. The Quetzal plays a vital role in maintaining it's surrounding environment as the seeds from fruits and berries are spread throughout the forest in their droppings. Quetzal Predators and ThreatsDespite the fact That the beautifully colored feathers of the Quetzal bird Provide this with good camouflage in the forest, They are not particularly strong flyers and instead rely more on hopping Between the branches. The Quetzal is therefore Relatively easy prey for other tree-dwelling animals to catch and is preyed upon by Mammals Such as the Kinkajou, along with squirrels and birds of prey Hawks and Owls Including. The biggest threat to the existing however Quetzal population is loss of habitat as human settlements and agriculture encroach more and more and Their native habitats. The Quetzal is also commonly captured to be kept in captivity as a tourist attraction, although few rarely survive in these conditions.Quetzal Interesting Facts and FeaturesAlthough the male Quetzal is most distinctively known for it's incredibly long tail feathers, They do not begin to grow them at least until They are three years old with many individuals Quetzal not reach sexual maturity until They are nearly six. The Resplendent Quetzal is also commonly known as the Guatemalan Quetzal and is not only the nation's national symbol, but the currency used in Guatemala is actually known as the "Quetzal". The Quetzal belong to the 'Trogon' family of birds the which is the Greek word for "gnawing", the which is a distinctive trait to these birds.Quetzal Relationship with HumansThe Quetzal was seen as a sacred animal to ancient native people Including the Aztec and the Maya and was Often Referred to as The Jewel Rare Bird of the World, along with being regularly depicted in native art. The long, bright tail feathers of the lazy were also used in garments worn by royalty in particular. Today however, although the Quetzal is still a treasured species of many countries Including both Guatemala and Costa Rica, Their numbers are declining due to both Human interference in their natural habitats and the capture of them to be displayed in captivity.Quetzal Conservation Status and Life TodayThe Quetzal is today Considered to be a species That Is Threatened in it's surrounding environment as population numbers in their distinctive habitats have been falling. 
Although there are protected areas of forest where the Quetzal can not be disturbed, They are Becoming ever popular Tourist Attractions for bird watchers both in animal and institutions. The Quetzal however, does not survive very successfully in a captive environment meaning That They are captured in the wild on a fairly regular basis, leading to declining population numbers in Certain Parts of Their natural range.

Quetzal Bird Facts
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Trogoniformes
Family: Trogonidae
Genus: Pharomachrus, Euptilotis
Scientific Name: Pharomachrus, Euptilotis
Common Name: Quetzal
Other Name (s): Trogon
Group: Bird
Number Of Species: 6
Location: Central America
Habitat: High and moist cloud forests
Colour: Green, Blue, Red, White, Bronze, Grey, Brown
Skin Type: Feathers
Size (H): 35cm - 40.5cm (14in - 16in)
Weight: 200g - 225g (7oz - 8oz)
Diet: omnivore
Prey: Fruits, Berries, Insects
Predators: Squirrels, Owls, Hawks
Lifestyle: Crepuscular
Group Behaviour: Solitary
Life Span: 20-25 years
Age Of Sexual Maturity: 5-6 years
Incubation Period: 18 days
Average Clutch Size: 2
Name Of Young: Chick
Age Of fledging: 4 weeks
Conservation Status: Threatened
Estimated Population Size: 50.000
Biggest Threat: Habitat loss and capture
Most Distinctive Feature: Soft and deep but loud calls
Fun Fact: The tail feathers of the male can be 1m long!

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